Your Personalized Academic Support (PAS) Tool
As part of The TCS Education System’s commitment to our students’ development, we are pleased to present you with the Personalized Academic Support (PAS) Tool, a personality based assessment that reveals your self-efficacy and self-regulation strengths and areas for development. This tool presents students with the opportunity to learn more about themselves as learners.
TCS upholds a mission of innovation focused on providing lasting community change. The PAS Tool was created to support our students in assessing their learning profile personality as a first step toward the development of life-long writing and learning skills. These skills are correlated with improved student learning outcomes, job prospects, and success factors post-graduation.
The PAS Tool will assess your skills related to self-regulation and self-efficacy in a writing and literacy context. Your customized personality profile will provide you with individualized resources to help you capitalize on your strengths and grow in your identified areas of development. For example, you will be provided with self-paced Grammar and Mechanics, APA Style, and Academic Integrity Skills modules complete with study tools and skills assessments.
To take the confidential, 20-minute PAS Tool Personality Profile Inventory, please follow the link below.